You Should Be Doing Hamstring Stretches Every Day—Here’s Why (and 7 to Try)

If you’re about to work out, he recommends doing dynamic hamstring stretches (stretches that involve active movements). Otherwise, he says static hamstring stretches (holding a stretch for a set amount of time) can be done either after a workout or anytime during the day or evening. Below are seven hamstring stretches to try.

1. Active assisted hamstring stretch

When doing this stretch, Ofori-Atta says to make sure you aren’t rounding your back. This will ensure your hamstrings are doing all the work while preventing lower back pain.

1. Start by laying flat on your back. Lift one leg up and bend the knee to 90 degrees.

2. Hold the leg that is in the air and bent at the knee. Place your hands on your hamstring, gently pulling your leg toward your body.

3. Hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

2. Seated one leg hamstring stretch

Ofoti-Atta likes this stretch because it’s simple and can be done anytime, like when you’re watching TV or before bed. When doing it, he says to avoid rounding your shoulders.

1. Sit on the floor and sit up straight, extending one leg out in front of you.

2. Reach toward your toes grabbing as far down your leg as you can.

3. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then, switch legs and repeat.

3. Standing hamstring stretch (forward fold)

“This is the most simple and accessible hamstring stretch to try,” Weber says. Besides stretching the hamstrings and calves, it also helps relieve shoulder and neck tension.

1. Start standing up with your feet together. Exhale and bend at the hips.

2. Let your head hang down and reach toward the floor as far as you can.

3. Hold for 30 seconds and then slowly stand back up.

4. Seated forward bend

This hamstring stretch is essentially the sitting version of the standing hamstring stretch. “It activates the entire back and depending on flexibility levels, you can incorporate a band to help with stability,” Weber says.

1. Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Sit up as tall as you can.

2. As you exhale, reach toward your toes. If using a band, place the band around your feet and grab each side with your hands.

3. Hold for between 30 seconds and 1 minute before gently coming out of the stretch.

5. Kneeling hamstring stretch

Ofori-Atta says this is another great “anytime” stretch; you can do it when you’re watching TV, after a workout or before bed.

1. Start in a kneeling position, with both knees on the floor.

2. Extend one leg out straight in front of you.

3. Place your hands on the thigh of the extended leg. Tilt the torso forward while keeping your back straight. Hold for 30 seconds. Then, switch legs and repeat.

6. Straight Leg Monster Walk Dynamic Stretch

About to go on a run or work out? Here’s a dynamic hamstring stretch Kraft recommends. You will need a resistance band to do this stretch.

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